Over the last few years we have seen huge changes in the world, with people needing and wanting more than is often available in terms of the standard healthcare offerings. The world has changed, so why hasn't the way we approach our sickness and health changed?
We have researched and investigated how it is done in other countries that are leading the way in health optimisation and care, and we are excited to bring it right here! Online across Australia & locally in our clinic located in the northern corridor coastal suburb of Burns Beach.
We are laying the path for a more MODERN and HOLISTIC and evidence based approaches to truly help people heal inside and out.
Chronic disease is the leading cause of death, illness and disability in Australia. In 2014/15, 50% of Australians had at least one prominent chronic disease, illness, fatigue or unexplained weight gain. With the right lifestyle changes this can dramatically change. To give some content as an example, if diet alone was improved, the disease burden would drop by 51% for Heart disease, 26.3% for Bowel Cancer and 26 % for Type 2 diabetes alone.
With this, our current and historical approaches to healthcare are not stemming this tidal wave of health associated issues. The key feature of most chronic disease is lifestyle, not a pathogen.
Simply knowing what constitutes a healthy diet or adequate exercise, is not sufficient. The prevention, treatment and reversal of chronic disease therefore requires evidence based supported behavioural change and this has not been the mainstay of health and medical care.
To combat escalating illness and disease in our community, we realise that we need skilled practitioners equipped with skills to engage clients in making sustained health behaviour change. This is where Lighter4Life's whole of health approach is able to provide you with targeted Nutritional Neuroscience Wellbeing programs, along with behavioural changes in mindset mapping counselling and hypnotherapy and psychotherapy.
The evidence-based practice of ongoing support, coaching and accountability, when combined with the principles of Lifestyle Medicine, is a proven formula in creating change head-on when challenges appear.
"It is health that is the
real wealth, and not the pieces of gold or silver"
Mahatma Gandhi

Nutritional Mindset & Health Coaching
Are you frustrated about your health? Then you are not alone.
In today’s world, a lack of energy, unwanted weight gain, aches, pains and more have become far too common. The search for relief often results in bouncing from doctor to doctor and doing your best to educate yourself. Due to the host of misinformation, fad diets, trends, and contradicting advice readily available today, improving your health can be a very confusing and overwhelming process.
There are many reasons for weight gain, from stress to poor diet, and eating for comfort or loneliness.
Sometimes you gain weight even when you think you are eating the right foods at the right times.
Hypnosis can help you overcome the emotional causes for weight gain, and begin to crave sensible, healthy foods and exercise that will reduce your weight in a safe and easy way.
You will easily and automatically control what you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat, and your self confidence and self esteem will improve so that “comfort eating” is a thing of the past.

Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy
Clinical Hypnotherapy can help you to overcome a wide range of issues that are stopping you from moving forward such as Managing IBS, Pain Management, Weight Loss, Achieving Goals, Sleep Issues, Fears and Phobias, Quit Smoking, , Low-Self-Esteem, Anxiety and Depression
Hypnotherapy may assist you in reaching your goal and achieving success. Hypnosis is a proven method that uses the power of your subconscious mind and your imagination to ease the changes you want to your life.
If you’re ready to embrace some changes then it’s time for you to take the next steps to overcome your problem.

Workshops & Online
Lighter4Life offers both Nutrition Seminars and Healthy Cooking Workshops. These are highly interactive and dynamic.
As a qualified Nutritionist a program can be developed to suit your requirements. Whether you would like a “Lunch and Learn” demonstration or a full day workshop looking at getting your balance right.
Lighter4Life also delivers a series of 8 or 10 nutritional community focused workshops. These workshops build on the successful model of ‘bite-sized’ nutritional concepts and themes.

Lou Patchitt, RNutr
Bachelor of Science Nutrition (Honours) (Govt. Accredited)
Food as Medicine: Food and Inflammation (Govt. Accredited)
Diploma Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (Govt. Accredited)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Hypnosis Certificate
OldPain2Go® Certified Practitioner